every single day can change a little bit and make different in the future. you'll never known. even just walking along the street has this potential to change your life. believe or not, we might walking on the same path again and again, nothing's change to our eyes, to our skin. say "i can feel something" probably just lie that you try to make lives more story-like. but it does. even nobody could notice. nature would never go along with people's expectation. it has its own way to handle everything, it changes because it got a better idea. and we could never get to the truth. truth does not belong to us. every tiny breath is a lie. it depends on how you view them, and then they come out beautiful or ugly.
make the colors holder drain and it'll become out of order. life is so cruel but still we expect the wonderfulness. how ironic while singing along with the most boring song we ever heard, we broke into tears...
miracles only happen when you truly need it... wouldn't this make you feel any better?
- dK
- 2009/03/20(Fri)19:58:16
- 編集
so blue?...anyway forgive me that i have no computer in Zhuhai. and congratulations. we have a chance to "work" in jp. but it is so expensive...otherwise i can go to tokyo this summer...><!
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