



i like Aries metaphor, they're all eerie though

to Eric: real friend dont "figure out", they understand it. if nobody care, u r nothing to this world... u can conceal all the loneliness even to urself, but it always there--hiding in dark. that is what u could never deny.

we do can pretend to enjoy the loneliness. yet, when dark's coming, all outer guard that we've built so far will lose their meaning----a mirror is standing in front of you. you look inside and surprised by how ugly u actually r.

we are biased by our own emotion. even though you try your best to pay close attention to your inside voice, what u heard seldom is the "truth." we dont own the truth, truth is merely a concept. no one would know, even those who takes the action. Memory can be false. Visual process can be misleading. wt else should we believe in this world?

when it comes to these critical question, i always close my eyes and follow my gut. that's the only thing i can do to get out of the chaos.


i feel like writing something. i dont really have someone to talk to here. i finally understand how hard to find a people who truly care about who r u and what u think. "friends" here r not friends. seldom people here r telling the truth. or even u try to, no one would believe or care. i've been keeping too much secrets to myself already, those sure will become overwhelming someday. i love here...when i say "like" or "love", i really mean it. what is the point to keep all those secrets, if tomorrow wont come...and all, would be washed away with the old dusty memories and all the trace we left behind......is that what u want?

let time gone by

let me talk a little more about my (junior)/ high school period, since that would probably be my only good time in my whole life, for now.

High school has a lot of rules. One of them is people dating each other(mostly, opposite sex, thankfully) i got a pair of really great friends, who i think would probably get married when they grow up, fell in love into each other at that time. i know them pretty well, they are the purest pair i've even seen. they did homework together, had meals together, spent extra after-school time together, but i've never seen them holding hands, never ever, not even once. the boy always tells stories about Mysterious, History to the girl, and she listened very carefully. sometimes she made some comments, sometimes she just sat there and listen. i like to watch this pair often, because they made my mind calm.(i am not stalker, by the way) and they are reeeeeally sweet.

Even i talk about date, but i have to say, i, my very self, have never "date" before.(people can't just "date" without a boyfriend/girlfriend, right?) well, it is not like i was too pathetic to get a date, it is that i hardly get a good impression. i am a little bit weird, i guess. there would usually be couples of guys want to ask me out for movies something, then i just refuse them one by one. i don't really know can i do this without thinking, it is like a natural reflection--when guys ask u out, say "no" to them. there was the time i did my homework or review with boys. then everyone just scare away after the first pretentious date. it is kinda sad when people asking if i got a boyfriend, my answer would always be the same. hopefully, i can survive without anyone, but just sad.

[kids, what are you waiting for?]

[my prince.]

[If so, then you can close your eyes and get some rest. i'll wake you up if he comes by.]

[no thank you,sir. i wanna watch into his eyes at the first sight.]

bunk bed

the door was open
she walked in
the smell of candy melt
into the air

the man in chair started to talk
it was that story
about an old clock

it was the song
from that ancient land
over and over
as if seawater coming and back from shore

::: forgiveness

the title is no relative to what i'm gonna write today, i just want it to be here...

i must have love simple words, simple phrases, simple world, simple everything. for my believing, there's no more crucial aspect in people communication other than understanding. how to express our ideas should be the first thing to be concerned in every conversation. to make our language more easier to access would be the changeless point, no matter who you're talking to.

we know we should respect a person no matter who they are or what they believe. and that means to make even a low-educated person understand what you're in mind, would be the basic politeness.

we ARE all only human-being, share the same life recycle...but someone has to be different, stand out from others...one day, it would lead us to the new world......a world that make the word "PERFECT" is not just a dream.

YOU bless all the good!

about Me

every moment today become precious treasure tomorrow. how would the life be, i am here waiting the truth. we need the word "trust"


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