



The horror of REAL BLOODY RAT

you're not gonna believe this!!! i got a rat right at my apartment, and hey, maybe it is right here right now!!!!!!

i know what u going to say "oh, common, a rat, big deal", but the thing is, it is a dying, bloody one, since if it just a normal, dirty little rat, that won't bother this much. oh, wait, perhaps i just heard it screaming from somewhere not-very-far-away.

imagine that something bloody just hiding at your house while you're still in there!!!! isn't that scary? i say, i am not animal phobias,but still, ew...., it is injury, and running right behind me. although i feel sorry for him/her. who did that to him/her is totally sick!!!!

drived by the curiosity of a human-being, i decided to find out some traces which can determine whether it is still here. yep, i was playing CSI. and, i was at home alone, that made it comes a little bit ...(let's don't use SCARY, but it's closed) when i clicked on the flash light, kneeing down to check the darkness under the sofa.(it was real frightening, i swear. and in this wheather, it's cold,too) you know, at that moment, there's only one thing i was praying "DO NOT SEE THE RAT".

and thank God, it didn't pop out like it supposed to!! i found some blood, which is definitely the trace of "leftovers" while it traveled sofa to sofa. and it is like this:(see in the pic). then what made me wanted to shout out loud, apparently, not the blood. it was the A-PLENTY-OF-FOOTPRINTS !!! and they're on the SIDE TABLE(very dusty)!!! which means it jump on the side table, running around, and oh, maybe it just steped into my seats which i was sitting not long ago!!!

that's it!! i had to find out how it has got in here. i approached the opend glass door, which lead to the balcony, very slowly. (um...i don't know why, i just did it.) then i steped into the balcony, and obviously, there's nothing there except the dusty washing machine.(and some dry-squids, if u have to know) i turned on the flash light,(even if it has got no use)checking if it got more blood trace there. (which turned out it had not within 5 sec. the balcony's EMPTY!) however, i did find footprint on the dusty machine given that it's DUSTY.

and now what? it came to a deadend.

maybe i should got my cats here to solve the case.


i should have involed in other's lives more.

they all wanted me to tell stories. but i really couldn't, since i couldn't imagine stuff i've never heard or seen before. it is weird. the only thing make me different from others is that i can draw, draw the images of dreams. how ironic! neither dream can be said as "realisty" nor painting's not involve in imagination. then why the hell i'd insist that i've never told lie or just couldn't?

what if the way to become a story-teller is to tell the truth, does it still work?

barely an Announcement..

it's the first and, mostly, probably the last time i would ever present Chinese here.

since they would be the only ones come here






By the way, it is true that i never consider myself as a Chinese. it is not that i hate it, just, mostly, i tell myself i belong to the world. so if you'd ask---i was born and spend nearly two decades in China.

foget about it

when TIME wave her hand 
there's no way you could catch her up again...

it's probably been long since my last log-in, and quite prosibbly, i could not find much to say. what i want, what i really care, is no longer the stuff before my eyes. i dream for, the fabulous, dazzling life one could probably never close. that makes myselfe surreal, as if i was wondering in the ocean of cloud, and all of suddent, it changed, extreamly fast. i just let the emotion take charge, which i know doesn't seem a good thing. however, it is clear to me, only when the really me reveal, the one still great even when it without ration.

fall'n love with sound horizon..the sound coming from the heart, like the moment sun rising from horizon


the test was finally over, it was such a hard time by the way. (no food, no drink,  no even restroom! where's the humanity?) but the clock just never stop. talking to yourself "there's almost the end" is just like a routine. while the truth is, you would never get it-not even close. what's my point? it was nothing. as long as life goes on, nothing could be bigger than that.

most of the time, when facing a choice, you just pick a number, then keep walking, and never look back (unless you impressed by your own ability in this area) well, what can i say? it your own life, make it a little bit different from other else's

about Me

every moment today become precious treasure tomorrow. how would the life be, i am here waiting the truth. we need the word "trust"


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