It was so dark inside, I could see nothing even my silver bracelet. While I was about to turn aound and leave, a voice stopped my move. It was faint, but still something obvioius enough to catch my attention---you know, I got a real good pair of ears. As my foot set, the voice became more and more clearly. It seemed it was calling my name, but I was not so sure. Since one moment I heard it well, then the next, the words just stopped making sence to me---it was like the mysterious spells from outerland.
There was no sign of life here. I set my foot. Silent. Breath and pounting heart were all I could hear. I took a deep breath, heading along with no turning back. Honestly, I had no idea where this path leading to---whether bright-heaven or dark-hell; bliss or curse--- I only walked ahead. But I had to be fast, before this eccentric silence swallow my heart.
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