



back to junior-high

it was 2001. i was 13. it must be an extremely hot summer, since i broke my jaw during the school-regular military training because of water-lacking. I can still remember how dark the chemistry lab was while people in our class introducing themselves. It was totally opposite to my early imagination about the school—so damn small, and I could even see through the campus without enter it. building in light coral (not really, but it’s quite closed) stood behind some sorta statue which I can not remember what the exactly name is after all those years. And that was, mostly, where I spent all my weekdays the coming three years.

It was like the almost-hell for me at the first year. I couldn’t make first-sight friends, and that’s why I ended up eating lunch alone. And the meals tasted badly, the teachers sucks, besides, math drive me nuts! Then, that came a day, I met my all-the-way friend. She was soooo important to me, and we still keep in touch today even graduated from different high schools. That is when my awful day started to get brighter and brighter. I began to have lunch with bunch of people, talk and laugh after classes, and hang out with one or two friends at the end of the day. It was like…my junior-high-day finally started right on the road.

2002, actually, it’s one of the biggest, most wonderful years in my nearly-two-decades-life. There was…the first time I go out with a guy. Even though as my memory tells, it seemed I played a little trick on the event, or he won’t be my company back then. (ok, secretly ask a guy out? I knew I was totally pathetic….so what?) Standing by the doors, which faced the empty street, for almost half hour after painting class, I was, as I remembered, chill. But it worth, cuz it kinda like first date to me, plus, nervous and fantasy image in my head were all I had. Although it turned out not even closed to a date, in the end, and, apparently, he already got a special someone. It was ok, really. Especially for the out-of-school talk, I felt that was all I wanted. (oh, no, no…it was truth!! I was 14, what the hell did I know about those lovin-lovin stuff. And we only did that once. Never know how to get a second date…right, even now!! oh, no, I see the problem here---I must have scared them away after the first one, so they just never wanted to be around me anymore. Anything I can do about this?...HELP!)

Christmas day in 2002, another big (maybe I should called it FUN) day for me. The best stupid thing I did, in fact, was screaming meaningless, running around all inside/outside the classroom, following by bunch of the crazy guys with color-spray in their hands. It was real great to put all the study, or moral stuff back of your head, do something mad once in a time. It was relax, just like when u goofing around with someone, you don’t have to think like, seriously.

In the last year, the non-study group finally appeared—students like myself (what I meant is all the good ones) were all playing games, reading comic, (listening mp3 ?!), sending message and blah,blah,blah…while the teacher standing right in the classroom talking something tests-related. Like we said, we all good despite the teacher sucks.

Junior-high, In fact, a little far away already. Not until I saw that pic, which part of my classmates sitting together, smiling, I realized that I couldn’t even tell who is who by looking right into their face. (not all of them, but still some) time flies pretty much…and the only one thing still with me, clear as day, is that I did attracted (by) some of the boys back then, but never go out with any.


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  • 2007/12/16(Sun)15:49:37
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  • 2007/12/16(Sun)15:46:32
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every moment today become precious treasure tomorrow. how would the life be, i am here waiting the truth. we need the word "trust"


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