




no matter what happen, i would never like to change into those ones. and i never will.
i'll try my best whatever you lead me to. as long as i alive, the pact is still working.



i'm not sure this sounds like TOPIC----anyway, technically, these're just all i believe for now...(o^0^o)

Well, since you brought it up, I gonna tell ya, I like the diversity thing. Actually, I love it. Why don’t I? It just make the world I live more colorful, and the stuff I use more pickable. But the thing is, despite all the difference, we still, without deny, got dozen of common deep in our soul. While what I believe is that, these, with no doubt, would make a difference.

[where are u come from?]
[……]I know when this word come out, the former’s thought will be, unconsiously, limited. Everybody would have ever picture those from the other land, those new, out-of-the-world people. We got pre-image, which make us judge people before we really get to know them.

[p.s. about the RELIGION thing, can i just say "Let’s just say----you believe in something, and I too. And that’s enough."(o>_

barely an Announcement..

it's the first and, mostly, probably the last time i would ever present Chinese here.

since they would be the only ones come here






By the way, it is true that i never consider myself as a Chinese. it is not that i hate it, just, mostly, i tell myself i belong to the world. so if you'd ask---i was born and spend nearly two decades in China.


i never assume that an individual, who's obssesed with dream, is doomed to failure, but what the truth is--never ever too good to break the balance.

only you could remember the word "JUSTICE", it is a perfect phrase: to catch the bad guys while rescue the good ones. we always use this word to praise those who put criminals in jail. and we never doubt it, it is definitely positive. But here's the thing, in today's society, distinguishing the simple "BAD" from the "GOOD" not quite an easy job. as you see, this is not a Black-n-write world, we never live in the impeccable one. then how we can so sure that we're doing justice, so sure that we're doing the right thing?

here's a scene from the last episode of "Shark": Sebrestion finally got the mental guy. every things perfect fine. and they're talking in detention center. suddenly, it turn out that the crime that make he caught was not real, it was a trap---a perfect-planed trap to get the prey. everyone turned out to be deceive. then several words just split from the "shark":"for the justice". i don't know if there's another way can explain this, but the thing is, you set up someone who was nodoubtly guilty, to make him looks like guilty. is there a contradiction? is there really no other way could use, to make a guilty persone convict? and is that what we call Justice?

i bet it would never got to an agreement. we are not perfect, but we dream about it, even though we know that it would forever be just-a-dream. then why not just believe in ourself, we make our own decision, any trying to make it approach the perfect line...if only we got the gut to approach the impeccable dream, we could barely make mistake. and that's what could make us touch the "JUSTICE"


that's Critical

sometimes, maybe, truth's bitter, but we still have to know it.

it is not a line from anywhere, however, i am quite sure that i'm familiar with it. it pop into my mind everytime i saw how critical these wourld could be. "truth is relative", that's what i heard from a TV show call"SHARK". then i got confuse, i got to judge the very stuffs i believe in early days. is that the thing what we call "truth" has a muti-face?


imagine that a defense attoney, who had known very well that his client was definitely not innocent, has to take his duty, use all his knowledge fight for a "NOT GUILTY". that make me think. consider that attoney as if his very myself, believe me, i'll sure feel guilty about myself if i win the case. but what if i lost, that would barely assume that i am a good lawyer. so, as the very same situation, what if i am a prosecutor. i got to make it "GUILTY". and here, i believe where the"truth is relative" come from. it's all about the word called "win".


and finally, i guess "win" is very last thing i would consider. i lost too many times, countless. but what's the deal? it doesn't really matter if the only person who deadly care about it is your very self. take a good look aroud youself, friends never leave if it's personal, what if they do, they barely call "friends"


we have to trust, at the meantime, we still have to find out what the truth is.


i guess the one said "truth's relative" could hardly trust who he/she has to fight for. if he/she does, for god sake, i would say he/she would never cease to dig deeply, whatever what's behind it.


namely, my answers for the pre-question appears, that [many stuffs could have multi-sides, crime, judgement or whatsoever, but never the truth]


believe me, "truth apears itself". that's the very thing i never doubt. and the liars, sure have to pay back.

about Me

every moment today become precious treasure tomorrow. how would the life be, i am here waiting the truth. we need the word "trust"


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